Areas of Expertise

  • Leadership and Adult Development

  • Executive Coaching

  • Vision and Strategy

  • Multi-partial Facilitation

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Inclusive Process Design

  • Research and Synthesis

  • Assessment & Evaluation

  • K-12 and Adult Education

Ways to Work Together

Team Development

I help teams assess their strengths and areas for growth, develop goals, and design collaborative learning experiences to reach their goals. I support leaders with behind-the-scenes planning they carry out, or I step in directly to design and facilitate meetings, work sessions, key conversations, strategic planning, or reflection.

Developmental Assessments

Growth begins by locating where you are. I offer you/your team various assessments that provide powerful frameworks for leadership development.

Do you seek 360° feedback for yourself or someone on your team?
Gathering and analyzing meaningful feedback from a wide variety of perspectives is always potent. I am a certified practitioner of The Leadership Circle Profile (LCP), a comprehensive, globally respected instrument that integrates all aspects of leadership. I also conduct qualitative 360s, often in conjunction with the LCP.

Are you curious about how to use the Enneagram to help you grow?
The Enneagram serves as an uncannily accurate map on the twisty path of growing our self-awareness and compassion. It helps us choose differently, shifting from automatic patterns to intentionality. I incorporate the Enneagram in my work with teams and individuals, and I am certified as a teacher in the Narrative Tradition. 

Do you wish to see yourself and the world with fresh eyes?
If you’re interested in knowing where you are in terms of your leadership maturity, you may want to dig into vertical development, which has to do with how we show up in the world, our way of being. Vertical development fosters our ability to take new perspectives and handle complex challenges with greater skill. I can administer and debrief the Leadership Maturity Profile Assessment (MAP) with you. Through this rich assessment process, you will gain a clearer picture of where you are and what lies ahead.


Do you seek to build or hire a team for a collaborative project that promotes positive social or environmental change, that fosters equity and inclusion? I consult independently, and I also belong to a network of principal-level consultants who promote civic progress. Together we are a mighty force working in the arenas of strategy, engagement, and learning & evaluation.

One-on-One Coaching

I offer 1:1 executive and leadership coaching, tailored to your needs. My approach to coaching is developmental, with a goal of helping you self-correct and self-generate over time. Generally, I work with clients for six months or longer, though I sometimes engage in short-term coaching to sort through a specific issue or quandary.

Reach out! I’d love to explore ideas and options with you.